"We must overflow in writing about all the things we have been talking and living during the month. Writing is an act of community. It is a letter, it is comforting, consoling, helping, advising on our part, as well as asking it on yours. It is a part of our human association with each other. It is an expression of our love and concern for each other." --Dorothy Day

"The metaverse offers a digital liturgy that will entice us to leave behind the inconveniences and limitations of bodily humanity. " But "not even the trillions that flow through Silicon Valley can vacuum up the divine breath of life inside us." (via Samuel James at FT)

Christian in the political wilderness must still pursue justice and accept the possibility of exile. The end of the liberalism debate: Part II (via Jake Meador at MereO)

How have the SBC, PCA, and ACNA ended up in the political wilderness? Ecclesial realignment after the culture wars: Part I. (via Jake Meador @ MereO)

Political tension fractures yet another Christian institution. Marvin Olasky resigns from World. (via Ben Smith @ NYT)

Has Jesus commanded us to kill? Russell Moore and Shane Claiborne disagree (graciously) about capital punishment. (via The Russell Moore Show at CT)

"Ragged and swooning beggar, pray for us. / Fool of the freezing threshold, pray for us." A litany for the patron saints of the homeless. (via James Matthew Wilson @ FT)

"Even here in the dark, God is making all things new." Rachel Held Evans's posthumous book reveals "both the evolution of a consciousness and its abrupt end." (via Eliza Griswold @ The New Yorker)

One group's research indicates that indicates that "declining religious service attendance accounts for about 40 percent of the rise in suicide rates over the past 15 years." That means today's empty pews are a public health crisis. (via Tyler Vanderweele and Brendan Case @ CT)

Have questions, suggestions, criticism, or other feedback?